Автор ronatu, 14.03.2011 11:08:21

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Гуглинский перевод (с итальянского на английский) отчета о конференции E-Cat в Pordenone, Италия,  здесь. Было много участников, в том числе и физики, Росси ответил на многочисленные вопросы. Оценка коэффициента перфоманса (COP=11) сильно занижена ими сознательно (т.е. это очень консервативная оценка. Комментаторы по этим данным вычисляют COP порядка 17). Много фото и большое видео с конференции там по ссылке.


ЦитироватьВызывает антирес
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а как они мерили тепловое излучение суммарно и с такой точностью?

"In general, Rossi said he had un'dea clear about the type of reaction that takes place in its reactors, but at the moment can not make public his theory because, in fact, would give important information to its competitors. Ritiene comunque che la fusione tra Ni e H sia solo un side-effect (vedi oltre). Believes, however, that the merger between Ni and H is only a side-effect"
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"Rossi has confirmed that the powder of Ni present in the charge undergoes a process of enrichment (isotopes Ni62 and Ni64) and that the product is Cu Cu63 and Cu65.  

Battle of the objection that, if so, the dust would still be radioactive, even for a few hours, Rossi stated that the shutdown of the reactor lasts 4 hours because after that time the radioactivity of the Cu product is totally lapsed"
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Scientific American has published a piece of typing on cold fusion that would have founder Rufus Porter rolling in his grave with its glaring, unsagacious bias.
After twenty-three years of research confirming the phenomenon, in-the-dark and over-40-somethings continue to type the same old myths they once heard about twenty-years ago, and this author from a Scientific American-sponsored blog is no exception.
Jennifer Ouelette's assemblage Genie in a Bottle: The Case Against Cold Fusion is a sad collision of two-decades old gossip, Hollywood scripts, and misinformation, which she has casually repeated without batting a false eyelash. She claims to "well remember the controversy" when it first erupted, and has "followed it on and off" since then.
Or, perhaps it was from her CalTech physicist husband Sean Carroll's colleagues that she obtained such errant perspective. (This is innuendo with intent to gossip.)
CalTech was one of the labs to emotionally denounce the discovery, and the persons, after they failed to reproduce the effect. (This isn't gossip.)
The article claims recycled twenty-year-old statements, twenty-years-ago refuted. None of the last two decades of increasingly advanced results were considered.
Who doesn't like fun, light science? But this is no ordinary "Bad Moon Rising: The Science of Werewolves", her next follow-up post for Halloween night. This is representing Scientific American on one of the greatest discoveries since fire.
Ouelette types ".. wanting something to be true isn't the same as something actually being true in the rigorous experimental sense of the word." We suggest Ouelette, whose avatar shows a woman having a cocktail, imbibe a few more before pontificating on this topic again. Seeing straight, she might encounter the catalog of scientists in the field speaking about their research.
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How Nature refused to re-examine the 1989 CalTech experiment
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Цитироватьronatu пишет:
[color=yellow]Author Craig Shields on Cold Fusion[/color]
June 15, 2012

I came across this video which features an interview by George Alger of the web site 2GreenEnergy.com with Craig Shields, author of Renewable Energy : Facts and Fantasies and also editor of of the 2GreenEnergy.

Shields devotes a chapter of his book to cold fusion, and says that from his research and discussions with scientists, he believes it is a legitimate science which still has a long way to go before it can be a viable useful energy source. His position actually sounds like a number of posters on this site — maybe he is one of them!

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Цитироватьronatu пишет:

Хм... "Аккаунт YouTube, связанный с этим видео, удален за неоднократное нарушение авторских прав."


The Patent Office of the European Union (EU) has reportedly rejected Andrea Rossi's patent application for his ecat low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) process. The ecatnews blog has posted a letter from the EU Patent Office to Rossi that Rossi's patent does not meet the requirements of the European Patent Convention. (EnergyCatalyzer3; October 31, 2012)
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The description does not disclose in a manner sufficiently clear the invention . . . In the description it is claimed that the reaction of hydrogen and nickel produces copper and is generating energy. However, there is no explicit evidence of copper and energy as a result of a nuclear reaction . . . At present cold fusion, which is the basic explanation given in the description is not accepted as mainstream science and technology . . . In the present case, the invention does not provide evidence which would enable the skilled person to assess the viability of the invention . . . it is reported that the process takes place 'in the presence of unknown catalysts'. No information on the catalyst material from the tube is provided in the description as filed." (via e-catworld.com)
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Rossi's Investors Talk about the Progress of his E-Cat
First, Proia said the E-Cats running at low temps such as 120ºC are for sale now and the guarantee is for a co-efficient of power or COP, of 6. This sort of model still needs an electric power source. The high temperature version E-Cat at a suggested temperature of 600ºC is still in development. Proia suggests there is more news to come further out in time.
On the matter of competing interests stopping the development of Cold Fusion or LENR or whatever the description becomes, Proia believes that in today's world technology is very hard to stop. What one country will impede, another will take up.
On the sales front Proia relates the facts as his firm practices them. Prometeon selects the first customers, which must meet certain requirements. Then, after this initial phase lasting at least 6 months, the company will consider a massive sales program. Obviously Proia and his firm would dearly love to speed things up, but progress is subject to the research and development pace.
For the questioning minds the idea of "seeing" a working commercial unit at 1 MW thermal depends on the customers. Prometeon will not be disclosing customer information without the prior authorization by the customer. In any case, requests will not be possible for several months after installation and then will still depend on the consent of the customer.
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Krivit, Steven B., "The Big Picture of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 107, ISSN 0003-018x, p. 413-414, (2012)
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ЦитироватьUniversal LENR Reactor – Coming Soon

November 13, 2012                        Posted by admin                      underDale Basgall, Universal LENR Reactor
1 Comment
I spoke to Dale Basgall on the phone last Monday, which turned out to be a very interesting conversation. Mr. Basgall is a very talented inventor and mechanic, and we talked about some of the bumps and high points along the road of invention. Mr. Basgall is a kindhearted individual who is driven to do more to benefit others. I also learned some more about his team, which includes several very talented people. We're both excited about the prospect of LENR, and share a desire to contribute to this once-in-a-lifetime process. Hopefully this project will be of benefit to humanity–as we both hope.
Mr. Basgall both surprised and pleased me by offering to send a Universal LENR Reactor to me for independent experimentation once it is completed and pressure tested. He wants to test it up to 10,000 PSI. Suffice it to say, it looks like the reactor will be heavy duty, and I'm excited that I'm going to get my hands on one.
He's hoping to have it completed in physical form within 30 days. This is just a rough estimate for a timeline as unforeseen delays can often happen.
Hopefully, I can integrate some Android control systems in with the existing setup, and will contact National Instruments about their offer of free LabView software for LENR researchers.
Note: This reactor won't be doing LENR out of the box. We're going to have to do experimentation to get it going (if possible). Perhaps Dr. Celani could be convinced to donate (or sell) some of his special wire as he has expressed the desire previously to replicate with different reactor designs. Of course, any results will be detailed on this website, and I might set up some live data streams like we have seen with the Celani replication project......

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В греческой газете "To Vima" («Трибуна») опубликована большая статья (английский дополненный вариант здесь ) по истории и перспективах LENR, с точки зрения греческой компании Defkalion Green Technologies SA (DGT).
Как известно, DGT развивает свою линейку генераторов тепловой энергии Хайпириан (альтернатива E-Cat A. Rossi), работа которых основана на LENR (ядерных реакциях, индуцированных кристаллической решеткой). Ввиду экономических проблем в Греции, DGT была вынуждена летом-осенью этого года передислоцироваться в Канаду, где они планируют пробыть несколько лет.


ЦитироватьNew Energy Times - Researchers from Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories performed an independent replication of a Mitsubishi low-energy nuclear reaction transmutation experiment, according to a physicist from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries speaking at the American Nuclear Society LENR session on Nov. 14 in San Diego, Calif.

The physicist, Yasuhiro Iwamura, told the ANS audience that the Toyota researchers confirmed that nuclear changes from one element to another took place without the use of high-energy nuclear physics. Most scientists who have not followed this field closely consider such profound claims inconceivable. Toyota used a LENR deuterium-permeation transmutation method that Iwamura invented.

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