Автор ronatu, 14.03.2011 11:08:21

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Цитировать"Why I Believe in The E-Cat"

There have been all kinds of opinions set forward on the Internet regarding Andrea Rossi'e E-Cat. Many thoughtful and reasonable comments have been made here and elsewhere expressing doubt about Andrea Rossi's claims. There have also been less tactful ones. I think I understand people's wariness and doubtfulness. There are many good reasons not to trust people just because they make an extraordinary claim, and history teaches us that many of the most exciting and tantalizing pronouncements about miraculous breakthroughs have turned out to be empty words intended to deceive and defraud.

So it is no wonder that there is for some skepticism about Rossi and his claims. I was quite skeptical too when I first heard about Rossi and the E-Cat, but over time I have climbed off the fence and stepped firmly on to the believer's side, and here are some of the reasons why.
1. Sergio Focardi. Focardi was an eminent professor of physics at Bologna University worked closely with Andrea Rossi on the development of the E-Cat. Here are his credentials from Wikipedia:
ЦитироватьHe led the Department of Bologna of the (Italian) National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna. He was a member of the President's Board of the Italian Physical Society.From 1992 he had been working on cold fusion with nickel-hydrogen reactors.
His statements about what he learned and witnessed during his work with Rossi are very forthright and unequivocal. He has stated that he believes that we are a the dawn of a new age of energy production based on Rossi's invention. Here's a video of Focardi speaking about the E-Cat.
2. Guiseppe Levi. This University of Bolgona physics professor has tested the E-Cat on numerous occasions and has issued statements about the validity of the E-Cat. Levi was the lead researcher of the team of European academics that performed third party testing in late 2012-early 2013 (see below).
3. Sven Kullander and Hanno Essen. These respected Swedish scientists were able to participate in testing of the E-Cat and both have gone on record stating they could find no other explanation for the energy production they witnessed other than a new kind of nuclear reaction.
I am sure that all of these established academics are not part of any grand conspiracy to trick the world into thinking that Rossi has come up with a new form of energy when they know he hasn't — and based on the closeness of their work with Rossi (especially Focardi, who worked with Rossi over a long period of time) I don't see any way that Rossi could have hoodwinked these professors with some kind of rigged machine.
4. The October 6th test in which the E-Cat self sustained for almost 5 hours and heated water a constant temperature without any energy input. Again, I don't believe that Rossi would have been able to have faked this demonstration.
5. Andrea Rossi himself. I find his words and actions convincing. The way he his going about his business seems rational given the circumstances and, most interesting, there doesn't seem to be anything going on at the moment that resembles a scam. There has been no appeal for the public to send him money — and no one has come forward and said that Rossi has tried to defraud them. Some people might think that he is simply insane and delusional, but I go back to the involvement of the professors — if Rossi was insane, it would not have taken long for these men to realize it, and they certainly wouldn't have stepped forward publicly to identify themselves professionally with such a person.
6. National Instruments. This major manufacturer of laboratory testing hardware and software has verified that Andrea Rossi's account of their relationship is an accurate one. Rossi said they had worked together and that NI had been very helpful in providing advice, even though Leonardo Corp ultimately decided to work with another company.
7. Professor Roland Pettersson. This retired associate professor of chemistry at Uppsala University in Sweden has commented positively on two E-Cat demonstrations he has witnessed. He was present at the October 6th demo in Bologna, and more recently attended a private demonstration on February 20th in Bologna. NyTeknik reports that Pettersson said he saw the recently upgraded 1 MW plant and a prototype of the domestic E-Cat.
8. The May 16th third party testing report. (See here for a summary). This was a convincing report from qualified and reputable academics who reported that after two tests each of which lasted about 100 hours the E-Cat reactor the were testing showed that the energy source could not possibly be of chemical origin. They concluded that "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources."
I believe that Rossi has made a very important discovery that will eventually lead to far more advanced and cost effective energy production than we now know. Rossi seems to realize this too, and is doing all in his power to bring his invention to light, including keeping the cost as low as possible so everyone will be able to afford it. As he says, "This will be a revolution, and, as I said already, a revolution must be popular to survive."
Is there a chance that I am wrong in my conclusions? Of course — I'm certainly not infallible. But I have tried to be as logical and reasonable about this case as I can be, and from every way I look at things, I believe that Andrea Rossi has discovered a new and superior way of producing energy and that an LENR revolution is not too far away.

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ЦитироватьI've been trying to get a more clear picture of the ongoing E-Cat validation, and what the purpose is behind them. Today Andrea Rossi made a comment which gives a little firmer idea about the timetable of these tests:

ЦитироватьSafety is an absolute priority. An E-Cat cannot be put for sale if it has not been certified for the safety. This is the reason for which the domestic E-Cat cannot be put for sale. To sell a product that has not been certified for the safety is a risk that no serious manufacturer can accept. The sole products that have been certified for the safety, so far, are the 1 MW low temperature E-Cat and the Hot Cat reactor, whose validation is still in course and will continue probably until the first quarter of the year 2014 before the results of the validation tests will be communicated.
I followed up this comment with some questions of my own and got the following responses:
Цитировать1. Is the current long-term validation for the purpose of getting safety certification for the hot cat?
No, the validation and R&D long- term- activity have different purposes: for us, as manufacturers, the purpose is to make good products, for the third indipendent party is to confirm the validation made for a week, verifying in a long term which are the consequences. Obviously, the Ragone number, after a 6 months period, will give more clear indications.
2. Will the hot cat validation help with safety certification for domestic e-cat systems?
Unfortunately, no. This is an issue totally indipendent fr om what we can do and is very difficult any forecast

3. Is the domestic e-cat still a priority for your team?

Priorities are the products we can do and sell.
If I had read a bit more carefully, I would have asked the first question differently, because Rossi says in the first comment that the hot cat reactors have received safety certification along with the low temperature plant. I think fr om this answer it is fairly obvious that there is not much effort being put into the domestic ecat at the moment, because for whatever reason, certification is not going to be issued — and also, I expect, they don't really have a desire to put E-Cats out into the public at this point where they are liable to be dismantled and reverse engineered.
Rossi here says that he expects the testing to conclude in the first quarter of next year. This is a similar schedule to the testing done by Levi and his team earlier this year. The last testing concluded in March, and it was May before the report was published. It seems from what Rossi says here, that main purpose of the independent testing being done by the independent team (Levi again?) is to confirm the results of this year's test over a longer time period.
So it looks to me like things are setting up for a repeat of this year, with an ETA of new reports in spring/summer of 2014.
UPDATE: Here's another new comment by Rossi on the domestic e-cat issue in which he expresses concern about the potential for his enemies to interfere with his work by sabotage.
ЦитироватьHank Mills:
Safety certification is necessary and must be made by a major certification company. Laws are the same in all the world. The E-Cat poses relevant problems in domestic applications, wh ere not qualified Customers can use it. We should be exposed to enormous risks, also for voluntary sabotages.
Can you imagine what our enemies could do in a "friendly" apartment with an E-Cat they could buy for 1,000 $ in a shop ? This is why, realistically, domestic application cannot be a priority. It is a matter of good sense. It is not a matter of product failure to get a certification, it is a matter of a situation that makes impossible to get a certification in these conditions. Safety remains an absolute priority, wh erever we put the E-Cats in the world.
Warm Regards,
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Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.



Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


ЦитироватьLENR Cars have just been selected to compete in the in the Future Energy online pitching contest organized by Ultra Light Startups.
All enthusiast about LENR should think about voting, and calling their friends to support that start-up.
LENR-Cars is a start-up focused on application of LENR for vehicles. Nicolas Chauvin have an interesting network (including the founder of Logitech, whom Nicolas worked for). He is an experienced "serial innovator".
Sure LENR-cars is not (yet?) a reactor builder like Rossi or Defkalion, but they are the symbol of an emerging class of LENR companies focused on applications. A generation of engineer trying to harness that new energy.
Beyond LENR-cars start-up, by pushing this LENR application start-up, you will push LENR into the light, with hope to have media get interested.
If any LENR start-up win the challenge I hope that it will be a media bomb, like what Elforsk Perspektiv should have been.

Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Ронату, вы бы хоть переводили, а-то ктож всю эту лабуду будет читать...
Иногда мне кажется что мы черти, которые штурмуют небеса (с) фон Браун


Из Японии:

A Monthly Journal "Yano E plus" published by Yano Economy Research Institute issued an Article on the cold fusion phenomenon "A Recent Trend in the Research of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon" by a reporter Mr. Namiki ( in Japanese)Issue No. 068 of "Yano E plus " published on November 2013 contains an article "A Recent Trend in the Research of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon" on pp. 45 – 61 (2013). This article is in a genre 《Environmental and Energy related Articles》 with a short comment as follows:
●A Recent Trend in the Research of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon

There are many evidences showing nuclear transmutations in solids! The mechanisms of these events have not revealed yet and waiting their resolution in near future.

Such trend appeared in journals for general readers will make the research of the cold fusion phenomenon popular and give stimulation for researches in this field.

Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


ЦитироватьBell пишет:
Ронату, вы бы хоть переводили, а-то ктож всю эту лабуду будет читать...

Роман (Bell)
Читать будет тот кому это интересно.
Роман (Ronatu)
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


1. The existence of the phenomenon of cold fusion is now conclusively proved by experiments, including experiments on low-energy accelerators.
2. The observed absence of nuclear products for cold fusion can be explained by the decay of a compound nucleus 4He* slowing through nuclear channels as its excitation decreases in energy. The release of energy in this connection is mediated by virtual photons.
3. Prejudice of many nuclear experts to the phenomenon of cold fusion is due to the unusual nature of the nuclear process, in which cold fusion forms an intermediate compound nucleus 4He* in a metastable state.
4. The accumulated empirical rules of nuclear physics seem indisputable to the nuclear community, while the range of their application is merely limited.
E.N. Tsyganov
English version of the RASA 2013 report is here:
RASA: Cold Nuclear Fusion
Russian version of the report is here:

ЦитироватьКонференция RASA в Тампа, Флорида 8-10 ноября 2013 прошла отлично!
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Цитироватьronatu пишет:
1. The existence of the phenomenon of cold fusion is now conclusively proved by experiments, including experiments on low-energy accelerators.
2. The observed absence of nuclear products for cold fusion can be explained by the decay of a compound nucleus 4He* slowing through nuclear channels as its excitation decreases in energy. The release of energy in this connection is mediated by virtual photons.
3. Prejudice of many nuclear experts to the phenomenon of cold fusion is due to the unusual nature of the nuclear process, in which cold fusion forms an intermediate compound nucleus 4He* in a metastable state.
4. The accumulated empirical rules of nuclear physics seem indisputable to the nuclear community, while the range of their application is merely limited.
– E.N. Tsyganov
English version of the RASA 2013 report is here:
   RASA: Cold Nuclear Fusion  
Russian version of the report is here:
ЦитироватьКонференция RASA в Тампа, Флорида 8-10 ноября 2013 прошла отлично!
Э.Н. Цыганов в начале сентября приезжал в Дубну (из США), и мы с ним беседовали о холодном нуклеосинтезе. В память об этой встрече фото - справа Э.Н. Цыганов, слева satviewer.


satviewer, а вот правда, как так получилось, что на мегаваттный блок сертификат безопасности дали, а на 10-киловатные модули, из которых этот блок собран - нет? Они чтоли сами модули не проверяли?
Иногда мне кажется что мы черти, которые штурмуют небеса (с) фон Браун


ЦитироватьBell пишет:
 satviewer , а вот правда, как так получилось, что на мегаваттный блок сертификат безопасности дали, а на 10-киловатные модули, из которых этот блок собран - нет? Они чтоли сами модули не проверяли?
Все дело в назначении сертификации. Мегаваттная установка была сертифицирована, насколько я помню, для опытного использования в промышленных условиях (т.е. для эксплуатации под контролем обученного сертифицированного персонала), что позволяло начать ее продажи для промышленного применения. Сертификация малых модулей (10 или 20 кВт, из которых собрана мегаваттная установка) для промышленных целей не планировалась (Росси об этом ничего не сообщал публично). "Домашние" модули (на 5 или 10 кВт) имели другую конструкцию, и А. Росси первоначально намеревался начать их массовое производство для продажи населению, но сертификат для бытового их использования (т.е. в условиях, когда пользователь, включая прибор, даже не заглядывает в инструкцию) не был получен (Росси что-то такое сообщал о начале этого процесса сертификации), поскольку отсутствует пока опыт даже промышленного применения такого рода устройств (работающих на неизвестных науке принципах).


Немецкий журнал Шпигель опубликовал сегодня на своем сайте 
статью Von Ralph Diermann об А. Росси:
"Zweifelhafte Erfindung: Herr Rossi und sein Wunderreaktor"


Сегодня опубликован анализ современного состояния LENR, обещанный ранее ассоциацией Elforsk (которая частично финансировала проведение испытаний HotCat третьей стороной в декабре 2012 г. и в марте 2013 г.). Об этом сообщил, в частности, Frank Acland на своем сайте
http://www.e-catworld.com/2013/11/elforsk-publishes-new-report-on-lenr/ , он же дал ссылку на гугловский перевод со шведского на английский (статья от Elforsk на шведском языке, 59 страниц,
) -
Обзор публикации Elforsk дает сегодня же и
Mats Lewan в своей статье 
"Elforsk släpper rapport om kall fusion" (на шведском языке) на сайте журнала NyTeknik,

http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3789527.ece .


Пожалуй, "серийный инноватор" - это отлично. Практически, инноватор-рецидивист.

А в Тампе в ноябре, да, хорошо. Это, безусловно, воспроизводимый опыт.

PS: Чую, что чем дальше LENR-community дистанцируется от Росси, тем лучше им всем будет. "Сейчас здесь будет грязно, до невозможности грязно" (с)


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Так согласно satviewer'у - уже 25 месяцев можно "покласть ордер на сайте". Новая энергетическая (в)эра, типа, давно наступила.


И где вопилки и чернилки? :)

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