Автор ronatu, 14.03.2011 11:08:21

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ЦитироватьI would like to draw attention to a very interesting comment that has been submitted to the Journal of Nuclear Physics by inventor Jim Rice who provides a detailed patent strategy proposal for Andrea Rossi which I think makes quite a persuasive case as to how Rossi and Co. should proceed with protecting his intellectual property. It's quite lengthy, and I won't include all the post here, but here are some exerpts:
Цитировать"There are two strategies for obtaining intellectual property protection: Patents and trade secrets. I think the latter is not practical for you due to the probable reverse engineering of your invention shortly after the first model is released to the general public. You can slow the dissemination of how your invention works but not stop it with customer non-disclosure agreements. That leaves us with patents as the only way to protect your invention.
Because of the newness of the field of invention and the new physics involved, you must include in the patent application specifications EVERYTHING that a person knowledgeable in the art would need to reproduce your invention. I interpret this to mean essentially complete blueprints and instructions for construction and operation. This can even include instructional videos, digital CAD files, etc.
If you do this, imitators will immediately begin to construct your invention using your published application. But in the long run it will benefit them not at all because you will eventually have a patent that prohibits construction without your permission. In fact, every time they construct a working copy of your invention, it helps your patent application. . .
It seems to me that there is danger in every day that goes by that you do not submit a new patent application (and it will have to be a new one, since you cannot add to the patent specifications after the application has been submitted) containing sufficient detail that your invention can be reproduced. Eventually, someone else is going to submit enough detail and supporting evidence that their patent will be granted. As you know, the USPTO is now "First to File", not "First to Invent". So it will not matter that you invented something first. . .
Bottom line: If I were you, I would begin immediately submitting multible patent applications with very detailed engineering data on how to construct and use all your devices. I think this is the only way you will be able to protect your inventions."
Andrea Rossi's response to this comment is also interesting:
ЦитироватьThank you for your useful comment.
I passed your interesting patent strategy considerations to the patent division of our Partner: I am sure their attorneys will consider them.
I am no more involved in patent strategy: I must say that in this period I am working very well because I have no more to think about patents, production, dayly business, etc etc, but only to the R&D and the science of the reactors. I do not know if the results of this work will be positive or negative, as I said many times we will share the information about the results at the end of this cycle of work, but one thing is sure: now I can work full time on the technology, at the maximum of my possibilities, integrated in a team of top level. I feel like " playing in the majors". I also am working in an area at very high technological level and strongly industrialized, where there is easy access to any necessary instrumentation we need: when I need some instrument I have just to ask for it, and I receive it in matter of days, if not hours.
Rossi seems to be very happy not to have the responsibility of handling the business matters of the E-Cat — but seems impressed enough with this idea to turn it over to the partner's legal team. The merit in Rice's proposal as I see it is that even if Rossi and Co. put extreme limits on access to their technology so as to preserve their trade secrets (which means that dissemination throughout the world would need to limited), it is likely that the secret will leak out by some means or other — and without patents there would be no legal protection for him.
The idea presented, however, would seem to go against Rossi's demonstrated inclinations to this point. He has been very protective of his invention, and it would be a remarkable change in strategy if all the details of his technology were disclosed in patents.

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ЦитироватьA few days ago it was discussed the work of Deuo Dynamics, a company who published a paper about a cold fusion diode that they claim was able to produce an electric charge from a palladium-deuterium diode with no electrical input.

ЦитироватьMr. Giles explained that because the work of Deuo Dynamics was funded by solely the partners, they are not able to work full time in the field. He is currently working for W3G Marine, a Scottish marine engineering company, but says he hopes to pick up research in cold fusion next year. Mr. David said that there has been some work done with an American company (not named) on a nickel-hydrogen version of their diode which he says has produced "very interesting" results.

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ЦитироватьAnother LENR patent application
The Switzerland-based company ST Microelectronics is one of the largest semiconductor companies in the world! They have filed a patent application to the United States Patent Office:

As some of the claims have been "cancelled", it would appear that their application is in the process of being adjudicated. The fact that they call their technology LENR, and haven't been kissed goodbye by the patent office seems significant.

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ЦитироватьThe Journal of Nuclear Physics, or JONP, is a clearinghouse of questions, answers, and research relating to LENR. On this forum, many people knowledgeable in the field of cold fusion, LENR, and other matters of physics get together to contribute theories and discoveries.
Recently, a contributor called Adelheid J. Bohm asked Andrea Rossi:
Цитировать"We see that your technology is verified thoroughly and it will go commercial only when absolutely sure as technology and ecology.
"But your fans are longing for information including the Start; can you please tell us a bit about your Eurica Moment, about that gift of God, when you have discofe3red the Seed of the Rossi Effect?"
Andrea Rossi replied:
Цитировать"The first time I discovered the Effect has been in the USA in 1996, when I got about 3 watts, melting some Ni grains using a battery of 4V as an energy source. I calculated (miscalculated?) a COP 3. I was in Manchester, New Hampshire, in a small laboratory where I also worked in a steel carpentery to pay my expenses: when I came in the USA in 1996 I didn't have money, because of what happened to me in Italy (see http://www.ingandrearossi.com). I had to live with 1000$ per month, which was not easy, because I had to pay 600/month for the rent of the apartment. In that period my daily meal sometimes was 2 boiled eggs.
"I used a lab of that steel carpentery during the free time to make my experiments. When the nickel melted I touched it with a finger and the finger (left index, I am left handed) got burnt: it has been the sole time in my life in which to be burnt made me happy (I am not masochist). Very Happy.
"Before that day I had got effects, but not sure of the measurements, being the energies in the range of milliwatts, so very difficult to measure precisely with the instrumentation I had. I started working with Ni powders in 1993, when I decided that it was completely useless to go ahead along the path of electrolysis suggested by F&P (which I studied very thoroughly)."
The event in Italy to which he refers is the seizing of all of his properties and business having to do with Petroldragon, a waste conversion business he had built from scratch, based on his father's machining shop. There has been general knowledge that the Italian Mafia became interested in waste disposal contracts through the government, and Mr. Rossi's work infringed on their profit margins.
This story that Rossi shares is very interesting, as it has never appeared in print before. We knew that he had gone to work with Bio Development Corporation in Bedford, NH, and became their Chief Scientist, "working with the D.O.E. to develop renewable energy sources." However, nothing has been shared about his personal struggles during that time of relocation. Mr. Rossi has shared some of his turmoil during the time of watching his business and science dismantled, and with the periods of incarceration, but nothing of his struggles with starting afresh in a new country. At the time of his immigration, Mr. Rossi was 46 years old, and found himself starting over with nothing more than a monthly paycheck.
In response to this exchange, another commenter – Italo R. – asked Rossi:
"Thank you for having shared your past experience about the birth of "Rossi Effect". Very interesting indeed. Many people should learn from you, in all sense.
"May I ask if your USA partner has the will to give this technology to Humanity?
"P.S. Have you ever thought to write a 'Memory Book?'"
Mr. Rossi responded with:
Цитировать"1- Of course yes: the Team I am working with is a team that already dedicate enormous resources upon targets inspired by the sense of duty toward God and Mankind. The motto of the USA is "In God we trust" and we are working (vibrating) within this field of energy as particles in a Universe in evolution.
"2- 'Memory Book'? I hope to rely on memories as late as possible,. When a man seats on his own "memories" means has nothing to future anymore ('to future': does not exist as a verb, but works well!)"
So, Andrea Rossi prefers not to rest and reminisce at this time. He prefers "to future". It is also nice to hear, as a citizen of the U.S. that this great inventor and scientist honors the motto "In God We Trust", and has a "sense of duty toward God and Mankind." His use of imagery, comparing his sense of vibrating with work as does the field of energy particles in the Universe as it evolves, brings to mind a Van Gogh painting. If, in the distant future, Mr. Rossi does decide to write his memoirs, they will undoubtedly be a fascinating read.

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Блоггер с шведского форума http://www.energikatalysatorn.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=604#p28007
сообщает, что сегодня днем Андреа Росси и Джузеппе Леви посещали ресторан в Уппсале.


Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
 сегодня днем Андреа Росси и Джузеппе Леви посещали ресторан в Уппсале.
Какая интересная новость! 
 А как там с фирмой начавшей массовое серийное производство?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. Ракеты у Маска длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
 сегодня днем Андреа Росси и Джузеппе Леви посещали ресторан в Уппсале.
Какая интересная новость!
 А как там с фирмой начавшей массовое серийное производство?
Других интересных новостей пока нет.


Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
Других интересных новостей пока нет.
Ну а как же с заводом то? Должна быть хотя бы новость что всё накрылось?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. Ракеты у Маска длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
Других интересных новостей пока нет.
Ну а как же с заводом то? Должна быть хотя бы новость что всё накрылось?
Отсутствие такой новости - позитивный факт.


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
Других интересных новостей пока нет.
Ну а как же с заводом то? Должна быть хотя бы новость что всё накрылось?
Завод глубоко засекречен, всем причастные прошли через лоботомию, чтобы не расколоться под пытками
Ты еще не встретил инопланетян, а они уже обвели тебя вокруг пальца (с) Питер Уоттс


ЦитироватьАнтикосмит пишет:
Завод глубоко засекречен, всем причастные прошли через лоботомию, чтобы не расколоться под пытками
А все серийно произведённые установки продаются через секретные подземные магазины. :)
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. Ракеты у Маска длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Когда же начнут слать новости о посещении Росси сортира?


А у него твиттер есть? Там наверняка все описывается
Ты еще не встретил инопланетян, а они уже обвели тебя вокруг пальца (с) Питер Уоттс


ЦитироватьReactor for energy generation through low energy nuclear reactions (lenr) between hydrogen and transition metals and related method of energy generation
US 20130243143 A1
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Deuo Dynamics
The development of clean abundant
energy to replace fossil fuels

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ЦитироватьLENR-to-Market Weekly -- October 3, 2013
Highlights this week include: ST Microelectronics files LENR patent; two E-Cat validations ongoing; "doesn't defy laws of physics" -- Rossi; Defkalion controversies; update on Deuo Dynamics; Dennis Cravens Reports on NI Week Cold Fusion Demo.
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ЦитироватьThe 2013 Breakthrough Energy Conference in Boulder Colorado just announced that they will live stream the event starting tomorrow morning, October 10th.
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Rossi Now in Florida Real Estate Business

October 16, 2013 • 47 Comments

It appears that Andrea Rossi is branching out in the business world. He is named in a filing on sunbiz.org (the state of Florida's register of corporations) as an officer/director of REFC Real Estate Corp — with the address listed (1331 Lincoln Rd, Aprt 601, Miami Beach) being the same as the one for Leonardo Corporation.
The original registration of the company took place on June 12th, 2013, and lists Andrea Rossi and his wife, Maddalena Pascucci as directors. See original filing documents here.
REFC Real Estate Corp. is listed as the owner of eight properties in the Miami-Dade County's register of property taxes. According to the tax records, the assessed value of the properties amounts to almost $1,180,000 in total.
It's hard to see any connection between Rossi's E-Cat work and these properties — they all seem to be small residential apartments. However it does indicate that Rossi now have funds to invest. For a long time when he operated solo it seemed that money was very tight for him. Now, possibly Rossi has used some of the proceeds he received from his new business deal with his US partner to invest in real estate.

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