Автор ronatu, 14.03.2011 11:08:21

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Развернутый ответ Андреа Росси (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=816&cpage=8#comment-788897) на вопрос Фрэнка Окланда о 6-месячном испытании E-Cat:
Andrea Rossi
September 4th, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Frank Acland:
 As we said, a 6 months long validation test had to be made, and I repeated that validation of the E-Cat is in course. As always, I will not give any specific information regarding the validation test in course, with exception of the fact that this test will last more than 6 months. The results will be published after the test will have been completed, whatever the results, positive or negative.
 I do not know where the publication will be made, because it does not depend on me. Also this long run test is being performed by an indipendent commettee, financed by institutions totally indipendent from us. Obviously the location in which the test is in course will be disclosed in the publication that will be made. I can only say that it is in the USA factory of a Customer. The E-Cats under test have been manufactured completely in the USA, in the factory of the US Manufacturer, indipendently from me: therefore also the manufacturing has been made by an indipendent- from- me party.
 Warm Regards,
Frank Acland
September 4th, 2013 at 5:14 PM
Dear Andrea,
After the 3rd party report was published in May, there was discussion here that a 6-month E-Cat validation test would be performed. Is this test going forward, and if so, has it already started?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland

Антип Од

А еще он не боится человека, вообще. Может сидеть на дереве на высоте полтора метра и нагло смотреть. Протянешь руку - укусит. Детей в школе учат не протягивать руки к поссумам. И это несмотря на то, что аборигены им любили играть в футбол. Отсюда пошел, собственно, австралийский футбол. 40 человек на поле, Посмотрите, интересная игра. Здесь другой футбол и не смотрит никто.
Служил Гаврила космонавтом
Гаврила космос покорял.


ЦитироватьАнтип Од пишет:
А еще он не боится человека, вообще. Может сидеть на дереве на высоте полтора метра и нагло смотреть. Протянешь руку - укусит. Детей в школе учат не протягивать руки к поссумам. И это несмотря на то, что аборигены им любили играть в футбол. Отсюда пошел, собственно, австралийский футбол. 40 человек на поле, Посмотрите, интересная игра. Здесь другой футбол и не смотрит никто.
Смотрел. Такой футбол нам не нужен!
И днём и ночью кот - учёный!


Цитироватьsatviewer пишет:
As always, I will not give any specific information regarding the validation test in course, with exception of the fact that this test will last more than 6 months. I do not know where the publication will be made, because it does not depend on me. Also this long run test is being performed by an indipendent commettee, financed by institutions totally indipendent from us.

"Неизвестные будут тестировать объект и результаты будут где-то опубликованы. Бросьте кубик и подождите ещё 6 месяцев."

... а на форуме нет смайлика фейспалма.


ЦитироватьHunt Utilities Group LLC (HUG) in Pine River, MN has been actively researching LENR for the past year and a half with a goal to replicate measureable excess energy. This achievement would mark a milestone with the ambition of applying LENR technology as a residential heating source. Regardless of success, our continued efforts furnish a greater understanding of the operational technology and feasibility of its employement as well as make valuable contributions to its structural integration as a sustainable energy source.

HUG envisions a unique approach to collaboration in the LENR field that would ideally catalyze progress for the encumbered information sharing process. With open information sharing via crowd-sourced blogging, ideas cna be traded quickly without delay. Live data could be posted for review, criticisms, interpretation, and suggestions from peers and collaborators. At the expense of immediate intellectual property rights, the accelerating benefits could prove an invaluable asset leading to certified patents.

Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


ЦитироватьRossi's Team Still Studying 'Very Interesting' Direct Electricity Generation [Updated]

Andrea Rossi is giving few clues away these days regarding the work he and his partner company is involved in, but once in a while he says something that gives some indication of some aspect of their work. Today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics he was asked about a phenomenon he has reported observing in tests of the E-Cat:
ЦитироватьSteven N. Karels
September 10th, 2013 at 1:51 AM
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You mentioned some time ago about observing a direct electric generation within the eCat, or something similar. Can you enlighten us as to what you are seeing or observed?
Andrea Rossi
September 10th, 2013 at 7:33 AM
Steven N Karels:
Yes, this is a very interesting phenomenon, that we still are studying.
As you know, our work of R&D is in course and we are submitting our technology to a rigorous process of validation that includes also this effect. The results of our R&D could be positive or negative in any sense, and will be communicated when we will have final results, positive or negative. In the meantime, I cannot give specific answers.
Warm Regards,
There's no way of telling how far the team has come with the development of this aspect of the E-Cat, but the fact that there has been an Electromotive Force (EMF) detected would be something that I am sure anyone involved the development of this technology would pay keen attention to.
If is the potential to generate useful amounts of electricity in useful quantities directly from the E-Cat, rather than using heat to drive steam turbines, I am sure it would be carefully studied — and from Rossi's response here, it sounds like that could be the case. He mentions that the validation they are conducting includes this effect, which implies it is not being considered just a mere side-effect of little practical value.
It could turn out that this is the most significant E-Cat related discovery of all. An E-Cat that acts like a battery would be a phenomenal breakthrough.
UPDATE: I submitted a follow up question on the JONP — apparently this effect is under some scrutiny:
ЦитироватьYour continued interest in direct electricity production from the E-Cat is intriguing. Without going into any detail, do you see the potential for this phenomenon to be significant enough to produce useful amounts of electricity?
Andrea Rossi
September 11th, 2013 at 8:19 AM
Frank Acland:
It is soon to say anything solid. We are studyinf the phenomenon: by the way, today I have to make measurements in this field, but , as I said, in this period of R&D and validation I cannot answer to this kind of questions.
Warm Regards,
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ЦитироватьCold Fusion and Skeptopathy

Web definitions
Pathological skepticism; an irrational belief that a phenomenon must be false merely because it is unusual.
There is no better example of skeptopathy doing great harm to humanity than the history of cold fusion. Everyone is probably familiar with Fleischmann and Pons' claim that they had discovered a nuclear reaction that occurs at (or near) room temperature, compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees that is required for hot fusion. Furthermore, I bet everyone is also under the impression that their claim had been discredited – wrong! Pons and Fleischmann never retracted their claim, but moved their research program to France after the controversy erupted. [1]
"I would sooner believe that two Yankee professors lied, than that stones fell from the sky" – Thomas Jefferson, 1807 on hearing an eyewitness report of falling meteorites.
In March of 1989 Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann introduced us to a new field of science called "Cold Fusion." It appeared to contradict prevailing nuclear fusion theory. Nuclear reactions at room temperature were generally unheard of before Fleischmann and Pons (although they are not unheard of today – for instance crystal-piezo and acoustic inertial confinement fusion). The scientist's claims were viewed as inconceivable and impossible, and they were accused of making reckless unsupported unscientific claims. Furthermore, they were shamed for discussing their claims in a press conference before their paper's publication. [2]
"The more important fundamental laws and facts of physical science have all been discovered, and these are now so firmly established that the possibility of their ever being supplanted in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remote.... Our future discoveries must be looked for in the sixth place of decimals." – physicist Albert. A. Michelson, 1894
Belief in the validity of Fleischmann and Pons' claim ought to have been based solely upon the repeatability of their experiments. Unfortunately, scientific investigation is conducted by men who are prejudiced by their belief system, economics, and politics. Fleischmann and Pons' claim was hard to believe, was a direct threat to hot fusion research, and it upset the status quo in many ways, so many people were upset. Furthermore, their experiments were difficult to replicate, and the effect called "cold fusion" turned out not to be the same as what we refer to as "hot fusion." The stage was set for scientists, the media, and laymen to exercise pathological skepticism and prematurely label it a hoax rather than give Pons and Fleishchmann the benefit of the doubt that the effect was real. As a result of cold fusion being discredited few scientists dare work in this area of research for fear of being labeled crazy by their colleagues, and being starved of research funds. [1]
"All a trick." "A Mere Mountebank." "Absolute swindler." "Doesn't know what he's about." "What's the good of it?" "What useful purpose will it serve?" – Members of Britain's Royal Society, 1926, after a demonstration of television.
"The probably better experimental work...has been carried out in Siena since the Early Nineties, by a group of physicists composed by Sergio Focardi (University of Bologna), Francesco Piantelli (University of Siena), Roberto Habel (University of Cagliari), but it did not lead to a system capable of generation useful amounts of excess energy for normal industrial or domestic applications. In Siena, in fact, the three scientists – using hydrogen and nickel as the only "ingredients" of the reaction, plus an appropriate amount of heat supplied to the system – manage to get out a double thermal energy than the electrical energy provided in input. Obviously, if there were no some "unknown" reactions to produce this little but detectable result, you would get a lower thermal energy, due to the significant losses that you always have turning a form of energy into another." [3]
On April 30, 1989, cold fusion was declared dead by the New York Times. The Times of London called it a circus that same day, and the Boston Herald attacked cold fusion the day after. Douglas R. O. Morrison, a physicist representing CERN, was the first to call the Pons and Fleischmann episode an example of pathological science. Scientific papers concerning cold fusion were then turned down for publication in peer reviewed journals. [1] Even though almost everyone in America "knows" that cold fusion has been "debunked," is a "hoax," and is "pathological science," those scientists in Italy were getting DOUBLE the energy return using this effect. One would think that such news would have changed minds in the scientific community, but it did not.
"The energy produced by the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine" – Ernst Rutherford, 1933
Fast forward to today. The International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, (ICCF) has just wrapped up at the University of Missouri. Scientists from around the world reported on their "cold fusion" progress (the exothermic reaction is called by various names). [4] It is no longer a valid scientific question if cold fusion is legitimate, but only what is the scientific theory behind the effect. [5] For some it is still hard to believe because science can't yet explain how it works, even though mankind used fire for tens of thousands of years before being able to explain how it works. A third-party verification report was recently published of a product that will hit the market this year, showcasing a cold fusion cell that was hot enough to create dry steam (which is necessary to generate electricity). The results show that energy density (i.e. the amount of energy by weight) was 5 orders of magnitude (tens of thousands of times) over that of fossil fuel. [6] That inventor has said that the time for words is over, and the proof will be when a cold fusion product is introduced to the market. If that is the case, then we won't have to wait long for proof.
To wrap up, the history of cold fusion is a checkered one. It is an unusual phenomenon, and as such is open season for skeptopathy. I have talked to many people about the subject, and while a few strongly suggest that cold fusion is pathological science (based upon Wikipedia entries or Pons and Fleischmann's treatment in the media), the vast majority are simply convinced that it will never emerge because powerful fossil fuel interests will bury it before it reaches the market. In other words, most people exhibit skeptopathy of a different form: they have heard rumors of revolutionary energy technologies before, but haven't seen them emerge onto the market, and therefore irrationally believe cold fusion will never reach the market. Unfortunately, skeptopathy has done a number on cold fusion research and development because unless investors believe their investment will pay off, they are very hesitant to fund it.
Ironically, for those who still exhibit (what I would define as) skeptopathy toward cold fusion, you can read this paper that I wrote on the subject: http://coldfusionnow.org/the-evidence-for-lenr/

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Там какаято известная фирма обещалась начать массовое сенрийное производство чуды. Как у неё дела? Много ли уже установок наклепали?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. Ракеты у Маска длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Пока не клепают - нет специалистов по поклепам. Послали запрос в Россию. Ждут ответа.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Цитироватьronatu пишет:
Пока не клепают - нет специалистов по поклепам. Послали запрос в Россию. Ждут ответа.
Ага, дождутся. У нас только специалисты по попилам.


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Много ли уже установок наклепали?
Показания несвиделей расходятся. Герасим говорит, что всего в мире (за пределами лабораторий Росси) ровно два бурбулятора, в сентябре будет третий. Источник не указывает, страшно секретное что-то. Полагаю, есть мировой реестр бурбуляторов, он там админ.

Остальные участники точного числа не приводят, но сотню бурбуляторов ещё точно не поставили.
Цитироватьronatu пишет:
Pathological skepticism; an irrational belief that a phenomenon must be false
merely because it is unusual
Не, тут всё как раз usual. Бурбулятор как бурбулятор. Обыкновенный такой.


ЦитироватьWhat is LENR, Cold Fusion

The LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) is a more technical term for this so-called Cold Fusion.
These effects are observed at conventional temperatures (60° C-1500° C), which suggest a nuclear origin, and in any case much more energy than chemistry (50 to 1000 times more than chemicals). However it does not look like the fusion of stars, or the fission in nuclear reactors. There is almost no radioactivity, no radioactive waste, no stellar temperature ...
The word cold fusion seems there an abuse, but we are not sure really.
It officially begun around 1989 with Fleischmann & Pons experiments : an electrolysis of heavy water (deuterium) with palladium electrodes, impregnated with deuterium... Some have also electrolyzed heavy or light water, with similars metals that absorb hydrogen (forming hydride or deuterides). Results are varying, moreover sporadic, and depending on the products. A family of experiments was to make high-current electrolysis producing a plasma in water. Experiments were also made with metal films permeated by hydrogen or deuterium gas, powders, wires , often heated, electrically or indirectly (several hundred degrees).
This is the subject of controversy, which is not extinguished. Some experiments done in the first 6 weeks of awareness in 1989, have officially discredited this area, but logical and methodological problems were identified which removes any relevance today. Since then many experiments, varied and sometimes well replicated, leave no doubt today. There is still a difficulties to publish in journals with peer review, but some have succeeded. There are criticisms, but obviously less and less serious.
The results are highly variable, but we understand better and better the causes of failures. Those causes account for most failures which have convinced the community that did not work (insufficient loading, surface condition, temperature, impurities, poisoning) ... A key seems to be the notion of active site poorly understood, but clearly linked to the surface and the crystallographic state of the surface, partially determined by impurities.
The effects depend on the reagents, but there are in the classical case heat generation. Total produced energy sometimes exceeds by several orders of magnitude, what chemistry, even unknown chemistry, could release with chemical bonds, and even with extreme crystals dislocations. It is therefore a nuclear reactions, or else more incredible things.
There was also observed transmutations, or radiation. It seems that the transmutation observed are related to the production of heat, but the radiation (gamma or neutron, small but measurable) are anti-correlated with the heat.
Among the most convincing results, there is correlation between the production of helium and heat in the classical experiments (palladium-deuterium). This type of experiments can refute doubts about calorimetry and gas detection, because errors have no reason to correlate. There are also experiments in production, and strangely consumption , of tritium (USA, India).
Among the most tested experiments, and despite a better understanding, there is an erratic success rate, which however can exceed 50%, if like ENEA you control crystallographic and chemical state of the metal. Some experiments (Navy SPAWAR, NANOR) get perfect reproducibility by controlling the surface structure of the metal.
We can make connection with the first results obtained with Germanium, erratic and whose observations were often neglected, rejected and ignored ... Again uncontrolled contamination and surface created conditions so variable that the results were undeniable and unpredictable.
There are theories, some that challenge existing theories (hydrinos, zero point energy, super-gravity...), and others who rely on the usual quantum physics, but assuming collective quantum mechanism, comparable to what is found in LASER or superconductivity (Widom-Larsen, Kim-Zubarev, Takahashi, Brillouin, Defkalion, ...) ... The most recent theories are rather conservative, although clearly lacks some keys.
For twenty years the results , compelling, sometimes huge, but erratic and unusable, discouraged research in this area. Some, such as CEA, CNAM, EPRI has stopped all work, but others like Toyota, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, ENEA, NASA, the U.S. Navy SPAWAR, continued discreetly and more or less steadily ...
Recently researchers (Miley, Piantelli, Celani, Focardi, ...) followed a stranger path, yet ultimately successful, involving light hydrogen with nickel, at high temperature, and using nano-structured materials (micron powders, nanoscale treated foams, nanoscale treated wires).
Despite the difficulties, there is a body of a thousand refereed articles published in journals and about 8 LENR "review". The most recognized is that of Edmund Storms, published in 2010 in Naturwissenschaften. This article, like most articles on the subject is available freely at LENR-CANR.org managed by Jed Rothwell, and reading it is very instructive.

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ЦитироватьThe University of Missouri hosted this years International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF) with the largest event being the Defkalion Demonstration. The short description is the Defkalion reactor functioned satisfactorily.
The ICCF ran over five days with an impressive group of experimentalists, theorists and engineers attending. The list of presenters was also impressive, with talks of research from across the planet, involving many nations and reaching deep into the science of Cold Fusion and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or LENR
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Цитировать25th Anniversary Cold Fusion Conference at MIT

September 22, 2013

Here's an announcement fr om Mitchell Swartz's Cold Fusion Times web site of a conference to be held at MIT on March 21-23, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Pons-Fleischmann news conference wh ere they introduced their cold fusion research to the world. I expect more details will be forthcoming. 25th Anniversary of the announcement...

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ЦитироватьAndrea Rossi
September 20th, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Honestly, I think you are right and I understand your feeling. As a matter of fact, in these last months my situation is strongly changed, because the validation and R&D work is shared with a Team that thinks it is not opportune to give any specific information before the end of the very throughly work of validation, tests, R&D in course upon the plants that have been manufactured and delivered to the Customer. This decision has been taken by the Team I am part of and I think this choice is proper. I can guarantee you that when we will have reached consoliated results, positive or negative, such results will be shared with the scientific community and eventually with the wider public, with a press conference that will be made by our communication agency. Totally different is the situation regarding the third indipendent party, whose work is made indipendent fr om us: the results of their work, whatever will be after the 6 months- 1 year test period, will be published fr om the Professors of the third indipendent party when and wh ere they will decide, so I do not know whatever they will do, which will be totally indipendent from me.
All this will lim it my communication, until the reports will be published, but, nevertheless, I will say what I will be permitted to.
Take also in consideration that my work now is much more intense, if possible, than before and the time at my disposal has been further narrowed.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,
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ЦитироватьSecond Cold Fusion Goes Commercial ?

"Brillouin Energy has entered into its first international licensing agreement covering three nations. The firm is involved in on-going negotiations for other potential international partners."

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ЦитироватьSelf-Polarisation of Fusion Diodes From Excess Energy to Energy
Fabrice DAVID & John GILES
A solar cell is a diode with a large surface. When photons fall on the junction zone, some of the atoms are excited, and electrons pass from a low level energy to a higher energy level. The photons are absorbed, which is why this matter is dark, and the excitation energy is transformed into heat. In a solar cell, part of this energy is transformed into electric current.
It appears as a voltage between the two poles of the cell. If one connects a load between the positive pole and the negative pole, an electrical current will flow. With our fusion diode, the concept that we developed works as with a photovoltaic diode by forming a junction between palladium charged with deuterium and a semiconductor.
Conventionally, the reactions of cold fusion produce heat. Our concept considers that before transforming itself into heat, the energy released by fusions of the deuterium, initially will produce an excitation of the atoms and molecules in the junction region. As in a solar cell, this excitation may cause the appearance of an electric voltage.
A diode is an electrical contact between N and P materials. The electrons of the conduction band are not in the same potential in the two materials. In the junction region, the electric field is enormous: 0,5 volt over 0,5micrometer. this field will confine the deuterium core against the semiconductor. The deuterium cores cannot enter the semiconductor, and they accumulate. Therefore the probability of the reactions of fusion will increase.
Our theory is compatible with those presented by the majority of the eminent theorists who have worked on the subject for all these years: for example, Condensate of Bose-Einstein, Resonant Tunnelling, Erzions, Polyneutrons, Monopoles, etc.
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Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.

Александр Ч.

А мужики то и не знают, как устроен нагревательный котел  :evil:
Что интересного в цитатах? То что авторы пытаются сохранить хорошую мину при плохой игре: типа есть неизвестные нам факторы, мешающие надежной воспроизводимости эффекта. Росси: "мопед не мой, я только объяву разместил, и вообще я очень занят".
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